Tangle of Trust

Tangle of Trust

Ethereal dreamer. Intangible beauty. The woman with copper fire in her eyes. Kaimi Walyuo may have finally found the love she's sought since she was abandoned. But both their pasts prove determined to keep them apart.

As secrets Garrett Haydenshire longs to keep hidden are revealed, he must rectify who he was and who he will become.

His world is on the brink of destruction as blackmail threatens his closest friends. His very being wants nothing more than to be Kaimi's fated Shield.

Garrett must determine who he can keep safe, who he must keep quiet, and who he's willing to destroy to get the life he's always wanted. He tries to reassure her in this overwhelming Tangle of Trust.

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Other Titles in this Series

Tangle of Magic : Boxed Set (1-6)

Tangle of Magic

Tangle of Lies

Tangle of Magic # 1

Tangle of Chaos

Tangle of Magic # 2

Tangle of Desires

Tangle of Magic # 3

Tangle of Fates

Tangle of Magic # 4

Tangle of Ruin

Tangle of Magic # 6
Series List
Urban Fantasy
Contemporary Romance
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